You only have a few seconds to grab attention and your time starts NOW!
The pace of novel experiences in our modern digitalized world has changed drastically. The human brain, today, is bombarded with information overload. Rather than new opportunities every few days, weeks, or months, in today’s digitalized world, novelty is presented to us in microseconds.
To make sure your business website attracts the attention of your target audience, you need to have a good understanding of web design principles so that you may assess your business website and see whether it has all the elements of a compelling website or not.
1. Insights
You have 8 seconds to impress your audience!
According to a research conducted by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, U.S National Library of Medicine, “the average attention span of humans is 8.25 seconds compared to 9 seconds for a goldfish.”
The human attention span — which is an essential resource for the healthy functioning of our brain — is shrinking day by day. Just five years ago, humans had an attention span of 12 seconds – which means we could concentrate easily on a single thing for about 12 seconds. The age of smartphones has reduced our attention span to an extent that even a goldfish can concentrate better than us
When it comes to designing interactive websites, well-planned strategy can help you meet your objectives, adding a little fun element to your website blended well with information won’t hurt.
2. Pacing
Break information into smaller pieces for improved comprehension!
In order to make the process of learning more effective, breaking complex information into small chunks is beneficial in a number of ways. First, it makes the process less daunting while facilitating you to clearly define what needs to be done and provides a real sense of being on top of things.
Research suggests that humans tend to learn better when information is presented to them in smaller, easy-to-comprehend pieces. This way, the brain is able to control the pace at which the information is being presented and promotes effective learning.
3. Visual Impact
When words don’t do, show them your story!
Addition of visual elements and attractive graphics to website design enhances information retention. Research suggests that people tend to preserve more information in their memories when it is put forward through a combination of visual and verbal cues.
These findings make complete sense when you consider the basic fact that the human brain is merely an image processor. In fact, the part of the human brain that is used to process information in the form of words is much smaller compared to the part of the brain that is used to process visual images and graphics.
In simple words, taking help from multimedia is a proven way of capturing the attention of your audience for a longer period of time. Using animations, photographs and images can grab your audience within seconds and further enhance learning.
Bottom line
The human brain is one of the most fascinating and complex organs in the human body. Even though the specific patterns and dynamics through which the human brain learns functions and retains information at its prime is still being investigated, by following the rules discussed in the article, you can ensure better outcomes.