Like many areas of tech, there is no doubt that web design has come a long way. For many of us, watching the advancements, or even taking the occasional trip back down memory lane, has been nothing less than staggering. In the early stages of web design, the idea that pictures could be plastered onto sites, was nothing short of revolutionary.
Early 90’s Websites
Since some of the earlier websites in 1991, sites have come a long way since their primitive text based days. Aside from websites themselves, during the larger part of the 90’s, dial up internet was the best you could ask for. A lot of the websites during this period, specifically catered as a result to slower internet connections. As mentioned, most of these web site designs consisted only of text. Layouts for the most part, did not extend much further than that. However, as HTML evolved, web page layouts also did so simultaneously. In the immediate sense, this for the most part, consisted of links and headers for paragraphs. It was not until later on, that images as well as advancements in early typography were attainable.