A responsive business website plays an important role in keeping your website traffic and your conversion high! Business owners are often seen complaining about how their website rankings nosedived over time. Despite heavy investments in terms of time and money, the return is far from proportionate. If this sounds familiar to you, chances are that you have an outdated website.

While old may be gold in age old maxims, it turns into a lost treasure that is difficult to discover. Some of the top ranking websites are the ones that are regularly updated with fresher content, are more engaging have more interactive design and have strategically been optimized.

It may be that your website is a just a couple of months old or you may have invested heavy resources on updating it few years back, how do you know if you still need a newer and better one? Continue reading to learn the most obvious signs that may show that your business needs a new more professional, responsive website.

  • Your competitor has recently updated their website – If your competitor has updated their website more recently, you need to follow the trend if you don’t want to be left behind.
  • Your customers have changed preferences – With the proliferation of mobile devices during the past decade, more than half the Internet traffic comes from mobile devices, smartphones and tablets. If your website is not compatible to fit different sizes and dimension to make sure it can be accessed through easily.
  • Your Website runs on specific Browsers – A very common mistake, but a number of website developers still find it amusing to design websites that work well with certain browsers. In order for you to make your website more responsive, you need to make sure your website runs equally well on all browsers. If your website takes a long time to load or it runs very slowly, changes need to be made to make sure you don’t lose traffic.
  • Having a poor Content management System – If you are unable to upgrade content on your website, it means you lack a streamlined content management system, which simply means you need a new website. Having a proper management system facilitates you to update your content on a regular basis to ensure customer engagement.
  • You’re nowhere to be seen on search engines – If you want to know your search engine ranking, try looking for your company on the Google. If you are unable to find yourself on the first page of search engine, chances are no one else will either. A fresh website designed keeping the principles of search engine optimization in consideration will give your business website a powerful boost.

Last but not the least, If your © sign entails that your business website is anything other than the current year; this simply indicates that you need a fresh website or an upgrade that will make your website more relevant and current.

In simpler words, one can never go wrong with the decision to get a new updated website. It almost always helps you stay ahead of competition.